What's New?

There is always something new going on atSnail Tail Inc. Before one project is done, plans for a different one are being drawn up! Here are some of the most recent projects:
July 2006- We decided to build 20 new state-of-the-art cages to add to our facility. They are all equipped with live plants, a custom misting system, and the best lighting available. They were however built on the smaller side (12”x16”x24”), as their main purpose is for housing newborns and juveniles. They are a nice edition to our facility and will work perfect for housing smaller “Snail Tails”.
October 2006- In our never ending search to widen our chameleons diet, we decided to invest into a large colony of Blaptica Dubia, or the Guyana Orange Spoted Roaches. Unlike the Lobster roach we used to dabble with, this species is slow moving, cannot climb smooth surfaces and have a much greater meat to shell ratio. The chameleons can’t seem to resist them! Within a few months, they will also be fully reproducing as many as I will ever need. We are considering selling them in the future as well.
November 2006- One of our females layed 32 eggs. The father is Blaze.